IX Symposium on Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control - IREP 2013, Rethymno (Greece). 25-30 August 2013
This paper proposes outer loop active and reactive power controllers to ensure battery energy storage system (BESS) performance when connected to a network that exhibits low short circuit ratio. Inner loops control the BESS current components. The interface of BESSs with the grid is based on voltage source converters of STATCOM type which allow BESS providing not only active power control but also reactive power/voltage control. A meaningful design approach of both inner and outer loop controls is presented. Time domain simulation results show the problems encountered and the performance of the proposed control scheme.
Keywords: Active and Reactive Power; Active and reactive power controls; Active power control; Battery energy storage systems; Outer loop controls; Short circuit ratio; Time-domain simulations; Voltage source converters
Publication date: 2013-08-25.
L. Rouco, L. Sigrist, Active and reactive power control of battery energy storage systems in weak grids, IX Symposium on Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control - IREP 2013, Rethymno (Greece). 25-30 August 2013.